One aspect of owning a house that is frequently overlooked is maintaining the roof. In this post, we’ll talk about why it’s essential to have your roof regularly inspected by professionals.
What is a Roof Inspection?
A roof inspection is a way for homeowners to make sure that their roof is in good shape and to make sure it can withstand the elements all year long, without worrying about structural issues, molding, cracks, and leaks, among other things. While homeowners should keep an eye out for visible signs of roof issues, it’s important to mention that roofing professionals will always inspect parts of your roof you might’ve overlooked.
A professional roof inspection can be broken down into two main categories, an outdoor inspection, and an indoor inspection. An exterior roof inspection encompasses everything from looking for damaged or loose shingles, nails that are exposed loose or popped, missing caulk, damaged metal flashing, chimney cracks, among other things. In an interior roof inspection, a professional roof inspector will look for cracks, attic ventilation, light coming through, leaks, and signs of condensation or mold.
Keeping your roof in good shape can be beneficial when you’re planning on selling your property. Once you’re in the process of selling, consider title insurance in Medina to keep your house protected. For more information, speak to a professional at Patriot Title Agency, Inc. in Medina by calling 330-479-3000 today.
Who Can Perform a Roof Inspection?
While many homeowners are proactive at keeping their roof in good shape and might inspect it regularly, some signs might be easily overlooked. A professional roof inspector is someone who has the experience and knowledge to perform the necessary inspections.
Roofing inspectors can be independent contractors, work for the government, for a construction company, and sometimes even insurance companies have inspectors of their own. Also, many states require inspectors to have a license to work, giving homeowners peace of mind when contacting someone to look at their roof.
Signs to Get a Professional Roof Inspection
So, when should you get a roof inspection? There are some easy telltale signs that you should get a professional to look at your roof sooner rather than later. Some of these signs are shingles that are discolorated, leaks on your roof, lack of insulation, or if it’s been a long time after your last inspection. Likewise, if your area has had heavy storms that could’ve damaged the integrity of your roof, it’s a good idea to have a professional’s opinion on the status of your roof.
Pro tip: Your roof should be inspected at least twice a year, and you should keep a close eye on any of the warning signs of extreme weather conditions which could damage your roof.
Ensure that your property investment is safe during the selling process with title insurance in Medina. The experts at Patriot Title Agency, Inc. in Medina can advise you about this and many other exceptional services they offer. Schedule an appointment by calling 330-479-3000 today.
What Can I Expect From a Roof Inspection?
As we mentioned above, a roof inspection can be broken down into interior and exterior inspections, but let’s dive into a little more detail about what a roof inspection entails. Your inspector should look at everything from your roof’s structure, material, and craft. This way, they can catch any issues that are already there or early signs there are issues, that if caught early, could be much cheaper to fix.
When looking at your roof’s structure, they should have a close look to see if there are any cracks or damage and if there’s proper venting. They should see if there’s any moss, rust, or sagging or if any fasteners are missing in the materials. They should also check that all seals near vents look good. These, among other things, are what your roof inspector should look at closely to give you a proper diagnosis and ultimately a quote on how much it would take to fix.
Next Steps After a Roof Inspection
After getting your roof inspected, you should get a detailed inspection report on what work your roof needs to be done. Your inspector will probably let you know which fixes are urgent. Focus on those too before heavy rain season or snow season comes by.
Your property is one of your most valuable assets. Keep it safe with title insurance in Medina. Call today at 330-479-3000 and learn more about this service and many more offered by Patriot Title Agency, Inc. in Medina.