While it’s never nice to think about your dream house in a negative light, the truth of the situation is that, if you don’t find out about bad aspects now, it can cause trouble for you in the future.
It is for this reason that the final inspection of any home you intend to buy is one of the most important aspects of the home buying process. Primarily because it is your single and last chance to inspect the property, after which any and all issues become your own. Taking this into account, the majority of homeowners opt to employ a professional property inspector to undertake the task.
Items to Include on Your Inspection Checklist
However, this doesn’t mean that you can sit at home and wait for their report to drop into your inbox. In the case of a final inspection, the more eyes truly are better. Below are some important items from Patriot Title Agency for you to check when attending your final inspection.
Can You Smell That?
As you walk around the house, both inside and out, stay alert for any strange smells, with strange meaning anything that just doesn’t sit right with you. For example, why is there a smell of fresh paint in a certain area of the home which you don’t believe had any damage prior to your last visit? Similarly, the smell of mold is often masked by fresh paint. Whatever it is that you can smell as you inspect the property, if you aren’t sure about it, have your on-site property inspector take a closer look...or smell.
Check the Grounds
If you are buying a property with a large backyard then it can seem inconvenient to walk around the entire grounds and ensure that everything is working fine. Of course, it will be much more inconvenient once you become the owner of the property and discover serious irrigation problems which require expensive repair work. Yes, it might take more time than you want to spend but check the condition of all yards included with your property is the best way to prevent future problems.
Can You See the Roof?
There is a small list of items which your property inspector isn’t likely to check for you unless you ask in advance and pay a higher fee. However, if you also have the possibility to inspect the safely inspect the roof of the property then consider taking advantage. The reason why the condition of the roof is so important is that even the smallest leak or cracked tile can spell expensive trouble in the future.
Protect the title ownership of your new home with title insurance in Canton, OH. Speak with Patriot Title Agency today at 1-866-475-3005 to learn more about the benefits of title insurance in Canton, OH, and how a comprehensive title inspection and policy can provide you with peace of mind when it comes to the ownership of your new home and investment.
How Are Your Foundations?
Another item which a regular property inspector is also likely to not check will be the foundations of your home. When choosing an inspector, be sure that you find one who is willing to perform the task and, similar to the roof tip above, if you can safely accompany them during their inspection, consider doing so. The reason? When it comes to a final inspection, the more eyes looking around, the better.
Heating and Cooling
If you are about to move into an area which experiences extreme seasons, or even just solid seasons, then there is a good chance that the property you are considering buying comes with heating and/or cooling. And as great as these look on paper, if they don’t work, they are nothing more than a large dormant appliance with an expensive repair bill. Potentially too expensive for you to accommodate it upon moving in. During your final inspection, test out any and all included heating and cooling units, including their functions and features.
Attic & Basement
Everybody loves a scary movie from time to time, but no matter how good we are at watching them, we still can’t help ourselves from becoming frightened to go into an attic or a basement by ourselves. Whether you need to take a heavy-duty flashlight and a couple of your friends with you, be sure to inspect the attic and basement of any property you are considering buying. Similar to the tip mentioned above regarding the roof, it only takes the smallest leak to cause serious and expensive problems in the future.
Protect Your New Home and Your Investment with Title Insurance in Canton, OH
When it comes time for your final inspection, remember that the more eyes looking at the property the better so don’t be afraid to not only attend but really inspect the property for yourself.
Before you sign, be sure to protect your investment with a thorough title search and policy with title insurance in Canton, OH. Speak with Patriot Title Agency today at 1-866-475-3005 to find out how title insurance in Canton, OH can protect your new investment.