Not every home seller has the time or availability to show their home during the day. If you can identify with this, this article is here to help.
Each and every agent will tell you that the best time to show your home to potential buyers is during the day, especially when the sun is at its brightest to light up your home. However, this time of the day, or any time of the day, isn't’ always available to all home sellers.
Tips to Help You Show Your Home During the Evening and Night
If you are about to send your home and you aren’t able to show it during the day as much as you like, below are some helpful tips from Patriot Title Agency for showing your home at night.
Your Front Lawn
During the day, your front lawn is the first impressions that buyers will have of your property. During the evening and at night, it is no different, however, you will have to work harder to make a good first impression.
If you have any paths or walkways around or through your front yard, be sure to light them up. This is not only good for visitor safety but also shows you pay attention you home and can add a magical feel to your lawn.
For large trees in your yard, use a spotlight facing upward placed at the base. This lighting effect can work to give your home a grand look and feel.
For big bushes and shrubs, smaller solar-powered spotlights hidden at the base are a great way to add lighting to your front yard without any glare.
When Your Visitors Arrive at Your Porch
If your property includes a front porch, use fake candles to line the banister or even outdoor rope lighting to add mood lighting at your front porch. Additionally, consider adding a dimmable light bulb to the single bulb above your front door to further this effect. Of course, be sure that the lighting isn’t too dim so that arriving at your front door isn’t safe.
If the size of your porch allows entertaining, set up a small table with some chairs and a single lamp in the middle. This can not only work to add a vibe to your home but show off the potential entertaining possibilities which buyers will be looking for.
Buyers in today's market are well aware of the problems which can arise after settlement and are looking to protect their investment any way they can. Title insurance is the easiest way to obtain this protection. To find out more about the benefits of Canton, OH, speak with Patriot Title Agency at 1-866-475-3005. Available only prior to settlement, title insurance in Canton, OH can protect title ownership and avoid financial issues.
Maximize Your Space
During the day when the sun is filling your home, each space in every room is shown off to its fullest potential. However, without that sunlight to flood the room, you have to rely on your ceiling lights. This often results in shadows in the corners of your room. While you don’t notice them during your regular activity and they don’t pose much of a concern if you did, when it comes to selling your home it can make the rooms look smaller than they are, effectively giving buyers the impression that they will be buying a property smaller than it is, and potentially smaller than they want.
Strategically placing a range of free-standing lamps is the best way to overcome this problem and to open up the space in each room. Be sure to also place then around large furniture items which can not only also cause shadows but add darkness to a room.
To Your Backyard
Buyers want to get the most out of their money, which also includes any backyard space you have, big or small. However, they won’t be able to see it, well, they can’t see it! Floodlights are your best bet for lighting up your backyard space as they can not only produce enough light but also make it safer for your visitors to inspect your backyard. Similar to the tip above about garden beds and large trees, if you have any of them in your backyard then be sure to light them in line with the tips mentioned previously.
If your backyard has any entertaining spaces which don’t have light, now is the time to hire a few outdoor lights for the sole purpose of lighting up items like a gazebo or a sandpit, or even just decked areas and a BBQ.
The last tip comes in the form of a warning. Don’t use candles!
Homeowners can be quick to think that candles will add a magical or romantic feel to their home, however, in addition to being a safety problem when left unattended, the flickering can also make your home look haunted and ghostly.
Title Insurance in Canton, OH Can Protect an Investment
Savvy buyers will want to take out a thorough title insurance policy to protect the investment and prevent any unwanted claims being made. To find out how you can help buyers get the process started with a thorough title investigation, speak with a title insurance expert at Patriot Title Agency by calling 1-866-475-3005 to learn more.
Available only prior to settlement, title insurance in Canton, OH is the easiest and best way for a new homeowner to protect their investment and gain peace of mind when it comes to their home’s title.