It’s important for all sellers to ensure that their listing shows their home at its best and entices buyers to inspect.

There can be many reasons why a seller will want to take care of their sale themselves and forego the employment of a real estate agent. Whatever the reason is for you, it’s important that the listing you create not only shows your home off at its best but also makes buyers want to contact you to make an inspection appointment.

Tips for Creating an Appealing Listing

If you are about to sell your home or are creating a listing for your property and would like some tips which can help you improve the quality of the pictures you use, Patriot Title Agency has a post with some tips to share.

Take a Photo. Now Take Another. Then Another.

Even the most experienced photographers take more than one photo of a subject during a photo shoot, so why would you be any different? Instead of simply standing in the doorway and snapping a picture, take a multitude of pictures to choose from. For example, take one photo and then:
  • Change the lighting; or
  • Adjust the camera angle; or
  • Rearrange the room; or
  • Open/Close the curtains; or
  • Bring in new items; or
  • Remove items.
Once you have done this a number of times, then move onto the next room. Now, when it comes to creating your listing, you will have a selection of photos to present your home in a range of different ways, which can be helpful when .writing your accompanying description.

Don’t Use a Disposable Camera

A great way to improve the quality of your pictures is to improve the quality of your camera. This means that, when you are taking photos of your property, don’t use a budget cell phone or a disposable camera which still uses film. However, this also doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot of money on buying a professional camera. Speak with your friends and family to ask if they have a good-quality camera you can use or, at the least, a high-end cell phone with a high-end camera included. Once you are finished you can simply send the files to your computer and complete your listing. Buyers using borrowed funds will want to protect their investment with title insurance. Title insurance provides homeowners with financial protection in the event that a claim is made against a property’s title. To find out more or to ensure your property’s title is clear prior to putting it on the market, speak with Patriot Title Agency at 1-866-475-3005.

Don’t Lie

One of the easiest and worst mistakes a homeowner can do is to use photos to sell their home which don’t accurately represent the property. This is to say, creating a listing which entices buyers to visit but which leaves them disappointed. As an example, it can be tempting to use photos which make the spaces look much bigger than they are or give the appearance that a room or storage area continues when actually it doesn’t. Apart from the obvious reason of buyers arriving at your home to find that it isn’t what they thought it would be, nowadays, buyers aren’t even getting that far, instead scrutinizing the photos in a listing and finding inaccuracies or photos which don’t match up, leading them to move to the next property.

No Blurry Shots

Buyers want to see your house, not a burry artistic photo of the property. While most professional property photographers will use a tripod to ensure a stable shot, all that homeowners need to do is find something which will perform the task. As an example, resting your camera against a set of books on a chair and using the timer function may seem unprofessional, but it will allow you to take a clear photo of your space without any movement from shaking hands or pressing the shutter button. Whatever you need to do to prevent blurry photos, be sure that you do it and take only crisp pictures.

Buyers Will Want Title Insurance in Canton, OH

If your buyers are using borrowed funds, such as a mortgage, then their lender will require title insurance, as will your buyers. For this reason, ensure that the title of your home is clean from discrepancies prior to putting it on the market. To learn more about how you can do this or to find out more about the benefits of title insurance, speak with Patriot Title Agency today at 1-866-475-3005.